About Me

I am Alireza Arbabi, computer engineering B.Sc. student at the Department of ECE at the University of Tehran. From summer 2023, I started to work as a research assistant at the ACIS Lab at the University of Victoria. My daily routine consists of swimming, exploring artworks (especially music and paintings), and topics related to programming, mathematics, and researching.

Research Interest

Until now, I’ve collaborated in 2 research activities as follows:

  • Evaluating mixing services in cryptocurrencies: Our research focuses on investigating the obstacles and constraints within existing cryptocurrency mixing services. We analyze a range of mixers, including traditional ones in bitcoin and advanced ZKP-based mixers, as well as secure coins. The objective is to assess the capabilities of each mixer and determine the most effective method for achieving anonymous mixing.
  • Designing a new blockchain consensus protocol based on the proof of activity (PoA): We were working on an alternative consensus protocol based on Proof of Activity to combine the benefits of using both the PoS and PoA protocols and also reduce the power costs of the original PoA consensus. As a proof of concept, we implemented a cryptocurrency for storing files (Blockchain-based Decentralized file sharing system) called Crystalline.


During the summer 2023, the Blockchain & Web3 course instructed by me and AmirPasha Motamed at the University of Tehran ACM Chapter. Our course materials are available online as follows:


  • April 2023: Our paper “RPoA: Redefined Proof of Activity” submitted to the IET Blockchain journal.